The Handler/Puppy Golden Rules
Events code of conduct
There has been lots of discussion on what is appropriate behavior of a handler/pup when in public or at an event. During these discussions the: Puppy Community Initiative came up with a list of basic rules/codes of conduct to follow when out in public or at events. The codes of conducts below are not meant to take away from being a puppy or how you express being pup, but to make both you and those around you both safe and comfortable.
- A Handler/puppy should respect others
- A Handler/puppy should respect the place where they are
- A Handler/puppy should follow the rules of where they are
- A Handler/puppy should be aware that not everyone is into or aware of puppy play
- No means no, and safe words matter, even when you hear them as a puppy
- A Handler/puppy should be as courteous as possible and take initiative to educate someone who is asking questions
- A Handler/puppy should ALWAYS ask for consent and in turn ALWAYS expect to be asked for consent
- Being a puppy is no excuse for breaking this code of conduct
- A Handler/puppy should feel free to say no or to correct the behavior of others should it impact them or their person
- If you can’t play by the rules don’t play
- If you as a puppy or handler misbehave or break the rules you as an adult will be held responsible
- Respect a pup's personal property; Don't touch or pull on them, their collar, or tail without consent
- A Handler/puppy should obey the event dress code(s)